Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 4: Selflessness

Today started off like a usual day. I had to pick my sister up from an educational fair through their school. After that, we took a trip to the and used some of our gift cards from Christmas. We ate lunch together and chit chatted for a little while, and then went back home. I then had to go to work, and it was very busy (I work at a pizza parlor). Tonight, I helped a lot of older people carry their things to the car, despite the line waiting at the counter. Also, a woman had called and let me know her baby was sleeping, which was why she was whispering. I told her when she got to the store, to pull the car up out front and I would give her the food and change to her total. She was so happy and very appreciative to see their was still kindness in our world today. When she said that to me, I was so happy that I was able to make someone else happy..even if it was just a little something. After work, I came home and found out my Aunt was home from the hospital. She donated one of her kidneys to her husband on Tuesday about selflessness. She's amazing, strong, and brave. I'm so happy that everything went well, and she is back home. My uncle is coming home tomorrow, so I'm staying the night at my Aunts in case she needed anything in the middle of the night. I did not want to leave her alone, after everything she has sacrificed to save her husbands life. Again, I'm do grateful to call someone like her my family..I love you Aunt Joan.

1 comment:

  1. You. Are. Amazing. Beautiful. Genuine. Your sweet spirit, your enormous is obvious in all you do and so welcomed and appreciated by all those around you. I am blessed to know you and call you a friend. Don't ever change. XOXO
